1949 to 1951 Plymouth Club coupe 2dr replacement headliner

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Most cars take around 10 feet of windlace per door - 2 doors should be around 20 ft, etc.- if you need less, phone us
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1949, 1950, and 1951 Plymouth 2 door (club coupe or special deluxe) bowstyle (sewn in) headliner kit. The Plymouth  headliner is made of nylon knitted cloth material that has thin foam backing added insulation, and has 1 inch cloth loop sewn into it for metal rod installation in the car.

You can select the color and options for your Plymouth 2 door car from the option list. If we don't have your classic car headliner, go to this page and enter your information, our expert trimmers will make you a custom fit headliner for your car.


The Plymouth club coupe 2 door headliner has 6 panels - 5 metal rods for installation.
