I have a 1994 Ford Ranger, what method do you recommend for removing the old foam and glue from the headliner board?
I have a 1994 Ford Ranger with an extended cab. It seems like the headliner board is made of thin, hard foam. It also seems like it's getting a little "crunchy" and delicate with age. What method do you recommend for removing the old foam and glue from the headliner board?
When your headliner board gets to the point where it is "delicate" like you say your board is in your Ranger truck; it's a good idea to use a soft bristled brush to remove the old headliner foam. A scrub brush like a bathroom brush, or a tire brush works well for older headliner boards. Make sure not to use a wire bristled brush on it, it will further damage the Ranger headliner. You only have to remove the old foam, do not try to remove the glue from the board, it is unnecessary.
The extended cab truck headliner kit will fit the extended cab Ford Ranger truck.