I replaced the headliner on my 95 Ford Ranger and it looked good. A few days later the material started dropping
I replaced the headliner on my 95 Ford Ranger and it looked very good. A few days later the material started dropping down. I live in AZ. Did the glue dry too fast or do I need to let it sit overnight before reinstalling it?
There could be a variety of things that cause this;
1. Not enough adhesive
2. An excessive amount of adhesive (very doubtful)
3. Allowing the adhesive to dry to much before applying the material
4. A board that is not free from dust and dirt and old foam
5. Applying the adhesive to either the headliner only; or the board only (must be a coat on each)
6. Adhesive which the shelf life was out (shelf life--approx. 1 to 2 years)
7. A raggedy headliner board -- and probably a lot of other things that I can't think of at this time.
I would opt for number 3 - the adhesive was too dry when the headliner material was applied. It should be less than 5 minutes after spraying the adhesive, that you apply the headliner material (especially in hot conditions).