I've had some experience with sagging headliners in the past with not much success, but one question I've always wanted to ask?
I've had some experience with sagging headliners in the past with not much success, but one question I've always wanted to ask, when you're gluing the headliner to the headliner board doesn't the wettness of the glue seep through to the headliner. Especially if it's just a cloth liner. I'm sure I wasn't using the right glue in the past, but is the proper glue (the spray) like a 'dry' glue? I just can't see how you can glue a piece of cloth to a board and not get the outside of the cloth wet with glue.
The question is understandable. Headliner material is manufactured with a layer of foam attached to the knitted nylon fabric. The thickness of the foam varies from 1/8 to 1/4 inch. When applying adhesive to the headliner material, it is applied to the foam side with air or aerosol powered adhesive, the adhesive is tacky when it hits the foam making it lay on the surface of the foam instead of soaking into it. If you spray to much, it can soak into the foam when you put pressure on it, but overall it will lay on top of it. The foam is what keeps the adhesive from "wetting" the cloth, and at the same time, it gives the headliner material that full plush look.
We carry 2 types of aerosol adhesive that work extremely well with headliner installations.