The Opal fabric you used in your 1994 Jeep Cherokee headliner install example, is that gray?
Looking at your headliner kit for a 1994 Jeep Cherokee XJ. Two questions...the Opal fabric you used in your example, is that gray? I have a white sport with a gray interior. Second, is one can usually enough or are multiple cans typically needed?
Yes, the color is a medium/light gray with a faint blue tint. The blue tint is so faint that it basically looks -- just medium gray. The seats and carpet in the Jeep Cherokee's with this color scheme has a slight blue tint to it. As far as the 2nd question about the adhesive - we can do a Jeep Cherokee headliner with one can of adhesive, but if you have any doubt about getting the job done, it would be safe to get 2. We can do it with one, but then again, we have several cases if something happens and we come up short. Best advice, it's better to be safe than sorry.